Thursday, August 14, 2008

Am I Really Old Enough?

We are literally within 2 months of Addison being born and man has the pregnancy flown by. I've enjoyed all the little things that have happened along the way (painting the room, buying clothes, Braxon-Hicks?!), but i've been thinking a lot lately about how fast time has gone in general.

For instance,
I picked up a guitar for the first time.....15 years ago!
I remember buying Green Day's Dookie album.....14 years ago!
Remember the Braves winning the world Series?........13 years ago!
I remember going to the Olympics in Atlanta.....12 years ago!
I remember my last day at St. Bede's Elementary......10 years ago!
We saw all of Shaun's Alabama games 9 years ago!
Jeez, I last competed athletically 7 years ago!
I've now known Mattea for 5 years.... and then we've been married close to 2.5 years!
I also get a kick of those jobs that require 3-5 years of experience....well i qualify now.

But at 25 things are different:
I once was upset about school starting early august; now i'm glad those darn kids are off the streets.

I was born 2 years after Don't Stop Believing by Journey was #1 on the charts. Last week, I saw them play it live.

I actually drive 25 mph in the neighborhood.

On Friday nights you passed out at 2 am; now you pass out at 8:30 pm

I actually choose the more secluded beaches than the more popular ones.

David Letterman was a nightly routine; now i catch his highlights on Good Morning America.

I actually told my sister-in-law to turn down her music because it was too loud.

I'm actually older than LeBron James and the same age as Albert Pujols.

But i am almost able to add "Dad" to my resume. As a good local client of mine tells me, "I didn't know how to do nails, I knotted her hair, i'm a terrible date, and I don't fit well in a dress.....but I can throw one hell of a tea party!"

keep mattea and addison and I in your prayers as we go the next month and a half excited yet nervous. And as always, please keep in touch and send those fun stories.



Jessica Azar said...

Pav, I can TOTALLY relate to this post ( except for the Dad part... I'm on the other end of that dynamic) and I have watched my husband go through all of the things you are now going through... It's so true about crashing at 8:30PM rather than 2:00 AM... enjoy these last few nights of that, because you will be waking and sleeping even weirder hours, and when that Baby is Sleeping through the night, YOu will go to sleep at 8 too ! It truly is so strange that we all graduated only 7 years ago... I think you and I have been very productive people in that period of time... some people become Doctors in 7 years... instead you and I have both found true love, married, gotten jobs, bought houses and had kids. I say we win :)
Also, you will be amazed at the things that you discover that you enjoy again when your child starts to experience them (Elmo anyone?) Zack and I watch Sesame Street everyday, and we both stare openmouthed at the screen... maybe I'm losing what brain cells I have left, or maybe I'm just rediscovering what's truly enjoyable in life... Y'all are going to be GREAT parents, and while it will age you (BELIEVE ME... you will be the oldest 25 year old you know... except for me lol) you will feel like a kid again. Also, you will probably lose touch with someone of your other couple friends and single friends once the baby gets here... that sucks and it hurts, but it's just that your life stages are changing... and y'all can always call us!