So they say this is the luckiest day of the year. So far this month, we've been pretty lucky with all of our adventures. Football season has been fun in our house but Alabama lost their first regular season game since Addie was born. I think it had more to do with the fact that my Julio Jones jersey was still drying but life moves on.
Work for Brian has gone well. His team recently sold out the debut edition of Front Porch Living and the remaining 3 editions for the year are close to sold out as well. He is really doing well at his Advertising Director job and keeps trying to plug into the community.
Mattea's interim job at the church has gotten off to a fast start. The youth are really encouraged by her teachings and we've been blessed to partner with our good friends, Bryan and Liz Harrell. The youth group has grown over the first 4 weeks and we've recently talked about Facing Our Giants. Interesting to see how all the youth have conquered large giants in their lives these weeks and the happiness that has come from them trusting God.
Addison had a great month as well. Lots of travel recently brought visits to Cookie and Paga's House, then to see Aunt Katie and Uncle Buck and Baby Charlie, then to see Nonna, Papa, See See, Pack-ack, Tasha and Bubba. We also were honored to be guests at Aunt B and Joey's wedding. On top of that, Friday, Daddy got tickets to go see Elmo and so we sang and danced in Norfolk.
September flew by and October is already off to a fast start. Mattea keeps having good reports at the doctor's office and Luke is still healthy and kicking very hard! Only 2 more months now. We're continuing to plan for the youth's Trunk or Treat and then daddy's favorite day of the year is October not Halloween...put up the Christmas decorations day! See you in November!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Posted by Brian and Mattea Pavlick at 1:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
September Update
September has been off to a great start! We have moved into a new house. We celebrated Addie's 2nd birthday, went to an East Carolina football game and are gearing up for Ahoskie Heritage Days and our trip to Alabama. Here are a couple of recent pictures of our birthday princess this month. Her and Daddy love to pose for the camera. They are too much alike!

Posted by Brian and Mattea Pavlick at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Potty Princess
-Anything Elmo
Posted by Brian and Mattea Pavlick at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
It is a BOY!
We found out on July 16th that we are having a BOY! We are naming him Christopher Luke and calling him Luke. I apologize that it has taken so long to post this. I was debating about even posting a picture because the 3 pictures we got are not very clear. This one is of his face. You can see his eye sockets, mouth and head but that is about it for the details. I refuse to post the "gender" picture. I know one day if I were to do that, he would hate me for it. Brian kept saying that it was a girl. I didn't have a feeling either way. They only indication that it might be a boy that I had was that this pregnancy has been so different from my last one but I have heard that each pregnancy is different so I didn't think anything else about it. With Addison I craved sweet things and I laughed all the time. This time, I crave sour/salty things and cry all the time. I also have very little tolerance for anything. Go figure. So far, so good as far as my health and the baby's is concerned. We haven't really hit the "critical" period yet. They are a little concerned that I haven't gained much weight. I'm not complaining. They constantly ask Brian if I am eating. I really do eat/snack constantly! I thought...."You run after this very active 2 year old that I have all day everyday and see how much weight you loose." LOL
We have a few ideas for Luke's room but we haven't started anything yet. We are in the process of packing and moving... again. We are staying in Ahoskie but we are moving to another house just outside of town limits. It is about 5 minutes from where we live now. We have had a very busy summer. We have had visitors for over a month. It has been great getting to spend time with family. The picture above is from...wait for it.... the Wal-Mart parking lot in Ahoskie. When my family got into town, a petting zoo was set up in the parking lot with camels, tigers, monkeys, snakes, goats, ponies, and other animals I can't remember at this time. Addie wasn't too sure about having her picture made with the tiger. It was only 6 weeks old. After the picture, she began to cry for it as we were walking to the car but while it was practically in her lap, she didn't want to have anything to do with it.

Posted by Brian and Mattea Pavlick at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
11 week update

Brian was teaching Addie the "Alabama Student Section" version of Dixieland Delight and when they got to the "Spent my dollar" ... Addie yells out "on juice" (after a little coaching from dad)
When asked if I have a baby in my belly Addie causally said "maybe so."
When given a dollar ("doddar" as Addie says) and she is asked what is she going to do with it, she exclaims "SPEND IT!" As if there were anything else you were supposed to do with a dollar or "monies"
We have been calling her a monkey because she is a CLIMBER! Brian called her a "silly monkey" and Addie in turned called him a "cheesy monkey."
Brian has introduced Addie to the Muppet's and she gets all excited telling everyone she watched the "Puppets."
She screams at my belly and rubs it vigorously calling out to "Wuke." She refuses to believe that it might in fact be an Avery.
Addie now calls Ramsey, our dog, "Randy."
Brian has taught Addie how to give massages, which she calls "skeezes." I guess that is because as she is giving a massage, she says "skeeze, skeeze."
She is a MESS!!

Posted by Brian and Mattea Pavlick at 2:59 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 14, 2010

Posted by Brian and Mattea Pavlick at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
First Doctor Visit
Other than that, the morning sickness has kicked in full swing. I'm dealing with it ok. Well, that is all for the updates right now.
Posted by Brian and Mattea Pavlick at 4:17 PM 0 comments